Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A dream, desire, want, vision, longing, calling

There are a lot of things on my mind and heart that I want to say, but I don’t know where to start and I don’t want to leave anything out. So I guess we will start with the first thing in my title…

A dream, desire, and want: Every little girl dreams of the day she will be a bride and marry her groom. Every girl wants a “Prince Charming” in her life. So if I could plan everything out the way I “want,” it would go like this. Within the next three years I would marry someone in the ministry. Preferably I would like to marry a youth pastor. Bro. Stan would become Magnolia’s Pastor and my husband and I would take over the youth at Magnolia Baptist Church. I would continue to lead worship and after I graduate from college in Elementary Education I would possibly go to Seminary to be a Music Minister (depending on how much I learn in piano lessons and how much practice I get at leading worship to see if I feel I need extended training. It would be nice to go and learn more about Bible theology and stuff) but if I do go obviously my husband would have to go with me and Magnolia would be without a Youth Pastor and worship leader for about 2 year. They could find an interim Youth Pastor until we returned and I would eventually become the Music Minister at Magnolia, my husband would be the Youth Minister, and Br. Stan would be our pastor. (Keep in mind this is all me planning everything out the way I would want it) After all of the schooling and we settle down in a church (preferably Magnolia) and I find a teaching job we could then think about having kids. I would like to have 2 if not 3 kids by the time I’m 30. After my first kid I would quit teaching and be a stay at home mom until I am finished having kids and all of them are in school. After they are all in school I would go back to teaching. This is my dream life and what I WANT and DESIRE, but is this what God has planned for me? Is this the route he has for me? I am saying all of this to ask everyone to pray for me, so that I will have wisdom to see God’s plan for my life and be satisfied with what he has planned for me and not just want what I WANT. Pray that I will desire what God desires for me.

A vision, longing, and calling: I have a vision for Magnolia Baptist Church in Saline, Louisiana. Br. Stan has always told me that I am going to be a Music Minister. That never felt right to me until a couple of months ago when I was given a big desire and longing to get a worship service started for the youth on Wed nights. I am in the process of getting people together to start a praise and worship band for Magnolia’s youth on Wed nights. We run anywhere from 30-40 youth and ¼ of those may come on Sunday. Most of the youth do not get to experience worship with music. Worshiping to music is a big part of my life; however, I do realize there is more than just music to worship. Our life should be worship, but the form of worship that touches me most is through music. I want the youth at Magnolia to experience that type of worship without having to go to summer camp or YEC. I want it to become the norm for their lives. Be praying that God will give me the wisdom and knowledge about who to ask to play in the praise band. Eventually when the band gets up and running I want to get a contemporary Sunday morning service started to try to get the youth in. This service will be for anyone who wants to attend but my goal is to get the youth churched on Sundays. This service may start off as just being an early evening service before discipleship training and then they can attend class or it may be an early service in the mornings before Sunday school. I don’t know what God has in store but this is one thing I have envisioned for Magnolia. Be also in prayer for God to lead and guide me in this matter. I know that I’m called to be a wife of someone in the ministry, I’m called to be a Music Minister of some sort (whether it be just leading worship for youth (where I feel the most comfortable) or it be the Music Minister of a church), and I’m also called to be a mother. I have had a love for children ever since I was a little girl and I know God has called me to be a mother of several children. I desire to have several biological children and to possible adopt. Adoption has always been near and dear to my heart and would love to have the opportunity to care for a child that needs Gods love in their life. So there again you can start to pray that my husband and I will have the wisdom to do what God has called us to do in the aspect of having biological children and adoption.

This is just a little glimpse into my heart and they way I think. Be in prayer for all the things that I feel God calling me to and where he wants me to be in life.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gillian,

how are things going? Last Saturday was Brooke's B'Day. We celebrated Friday night with a movie night. Of course since Tucker came we had to include an hour of guitar hero! Everyone enjoyed cake and pizza. I got Brooke some freshwater pearls. She was a happy 15 year old! Thanks for being such a positive role model for her. She thinks you are pretty cool! This Saturday will be mine and Hutch's first anniversary as husband and wife! We are leaving for Branson for four days. I can't wait. I love my super sweet wonderful husband!
He was gift wrapped for me especially by God you know. I'm still blown away by all the amazing things God has done in my life. Honestly, I don't know why I have received so much favor in his eyes. He is an amazing God!!! Can't wait to see what he has in store for you. It will be great!
Keep those pictures coming. Can you believe you've been in Brazil almost a month? Take care, can't wait to worship with you again.
Gotta get back to work.

love ya,
Ms. Mary

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to see God at work in people's lives. God is so good. He answers prayers every day. Not necessarily on our timetable. But we just have to keep praying. God has someone special just for you. Just wait for that Prince Charming. Michawn's wonderful husband fit right into the plan for missions and umpteen children. :) I'm thankful for both - Joel and the grandchildren I have and probably more to come. I love them!!! Continue to pray for me in all areas of my life. I know God is not through. I start to school Monday. And I pray I passed that Praxis II test because I don't want to take it again. I love you all. Have fun!!
Aunt Nena

Anonymous said...


Girl, I miss you and love you SO MUCH!!! I get on here often to check up on you and see how things are going. I wish I was over there with you! Sounds like to much fun!

I am praying for you and I know that God has a WONDERFULL plan for you. You may not know for a while what that plan will be exactly but just remember He knows what is going on and He knows when everything is going to fall in place. We all dream about our "Prince Charming" I'm so glad that I found mine, and I know without a doubt in my mind that you will find yours. It may take a little longer than you would like, but like I said before, God knows exactly what He's doing!

Well I have some GREAT news for you!! I passed my first state board test, and I also got a job at House of Stlyes in Jonesboro!!! So now when you get back from Brazil you can come get your hair done or get a mani/pedi or thanks for praying for me and my test!!

Well I better go I love you girl and will talk to you later!!

P.S. Keep praying about/for the youth group. We are leaving Sunday for Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Just be patient. God has that right person for you and a plan (Jeremiah 29:11, don't every forget it). I took a few detours in the road before finding my Prince Charming (a few toads, you know). But even in that I can see that God was working. I myself felt throughout my teen years that I was supposed to be the wife of a minister but my patience was short and I tried to find my own way for a while, hence, I was 28 when "Bro. Stan" came my way. Could have actually met him four years earlier but again, I was following a different path.
I guess I'm just trying to say. Be patient, let God do the work. You just be "unlike" Peter walking on the water. Keep your eyes on Him. We'll be praying for you. Pray for us also as we continue to seek God's guidance and especially with the trip coming up.

Mrs. Dottie

Gillian Day Hough said...

Thanks everyone! I will be praying for the youth trip.

Claire that is so awesome! I am so happy for you! Woohoo! I just might have to hit you up for a pedi! I need one of those so bad.

Love you all and miss you all!