Monday, June 30, 2008

Random Pictures

These are just some pictures from here and there. Hope you enjoy.

This is Joel moving part of the couch so we can watch a movie off the computer.

I was doing my Bible study for the day and Hadley decided she wanted to look at her Bible too. So cute.

Eating out!

This is some kind of pudding stuff but it was made out of corn. I didnt care for it but Michawn liked it. Pudding for me has to be chocolate. ;-)

The girls running around playing.

Joel took the picture before I was ready. I was licking my teeth to make sure no food was stuck. But this is a really good one of Hadley.

We just couldnt get it right.

Sweet little Cass. She was just a talking while I was kissing on her.

Still talking. She is a talker and giggler. She smiles a lot and is laughing out loud now. She is also a stiff little thing. When we go to put her in the swing or car seat she is just like a board and wont bend.

I was sitting at the computer commenting on Michawn's blog and I heard this little voice but I could not make out what it was saying. I looked over and Grady was on his little cell phone. He was having a conversation, with whoever he was talking to, in Portuguese. It was soo cute. During his conversation Michawn asked him something in English. When he returned to his conversation on his phone he started talking in English. He hung up and his phone rang again and he went back to speaking Portuguese. It was so so so so cute.

Friday, June 27, 2008

School Program/Festival

Grady and Hadley had a program for the little school they go to for Portuguese. Its was really nice and so much fun. It was kind of like a festival too. The had booths for each class and the theme was to conserve and take care of our earth. Im not positive but everything that was made at the booths I think was from recycled stuff. Anyway here are some pictures from the program and around the track. This program was from a while back but their last day of school was yesterday.

Getting all ready for the program.

Hadley was a vine.

Not sure what Eissa was doing here.

Family picture.

On our way to the track. They held the program and the high school track.

Its kind of hard to see but this is just a view of a lot of the booths from up on the hill.

Carrying the stroller down the stairs.

Walking through the bamboo walkway. Very cute!

Here in Brazil they do fireworks for everything. I hear some from out my window almost every night.

Eissa couldnt decide if she liked them or not. She thought they were pretty but did not like the loud noises.

Hadley's performance.

Hadley's class. They were sooo cute.

Grady's performance.

This little girl reminded me of a little girl I have on Wed nights at my church. The way she was dancing reminded me of Maddie.

Grady's class

Like son....

like father. :-)

This was at one of the booths and I thought it was the coolest thing. I have never seen furniture made of old tires.

Some more booths.

Hadley decided she didnt want to wear her flowers so I put them on and after that she wanted them back.

Monkey see monkey do! ;-)

Grady showing something he made in class.

Grady and his teacher.

Hadley and her teachers.