Friday, July 11, 2008


Its Watermelon season in mine and Michawn's hometown. This week is the Watermelon festival and we are not there to share in the festivities so we broke out some Brazilian watermelon.....its not Saline Watermelon but it was still good.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Gillian, Happy Birthday to you!! (This is the only way I can sing, and not hurt anybody's ears. lol) Hope you have a great day!

Love ya,

Carolyn & Addison

Gillian Day Hough said...

Thank you Carolyn and little Miss Addison! Today has been wonderful so far. I got to sleep in and the kids made me birthday cards. Michawn fixed pancakes for me for breakfast with some pineapple on the side and now she is fixing me a mexican dinner. Cant wait for it to get ready. Love yall and miss yall, cant wait to get home and see yall! Wow that was a lot of "yalls" lol. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Im glad you "hometown" girls celebrated the festival with us by having some watermelon. Looks like Michawn's children just might like watermelon too!

Happy Happy Birthday! It sounds like Michawn is making your day special. We wish you many many more!

Lova ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey Gillian.
HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!I would have told you earlier but my internet was acting stupid. I hope you have a good one.


Gillian Day Hough said...

Hey Brooke! Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was good but im crazy tired now and am about to go to bed. Love you girl! Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Well yes indeed sis the festivities were great. Omg and pageant, your going to wish you could have been there to see the womanless portion, it was hilarious--Michael, Fontenot, Reese, Chad, Colton, and others but surely you will get to see pics of it. It was great to see that Claire won it her last year. I was like yeh '06 baby, represent lol. Oh and my team won the Amazing Watermelon Race Tuesday, it was alot of fun. I been the most busiest of them all, trying to enjoy the festivites and keep up with school at the same time. Woo! Wasn't able to enjoy them all but I did most. The melons a great, that's what we started the race off with a good ol watermelon eating contest.

Love ya,

Gillian Day Hough said...

Oh I know....I saw pictures of them on Mrs. Patti's Photography site. I can only imagine what it was like with those boys in it. I know it had to be hilarious. Claire called me after the pageant. I was so happy for her. I hope I cant be in it next year since that will be my last year. I guess it all depends on if I am home or not. Never know what my summers hold. I bet you have been busy trying to keep up with school and with the festival going on. Cant miss out on that. Always have to have a watermelon eating contest! So did just one person on the team have to eat or everyone ate?

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You never know where Gods calling you. He calls you all over lol. And it's because you are a true blessing to others. Well my team consisted of me, Molly, Emma, and Colton, and I beat your wondering how in the world did we get colton to be amazing in the race. Well we pretty much drug him most of the way lol because he was acting like he was about to die, he claims it was the jeans, but we knew what it really was lol. But he made it through just fine. And to answer your question, no, there was 10 teams and each had to pick who they wanted to be the watermelon eater and my crew was saying they couldn't do it so me being the Alpha Male lol I chose to take on the challenge since I pretty much ate a 3rd of the watermelon that was left out down at the lake during Saturday's family event, couldn't let that good melon go to waste, I love it too much. Oh and I hope there will still be a tasty one around for you to enjoy. TTYL