Monday, July 7, 2008

Things I Miss About Home

These are a few things I miss about home and in no particular order.

1. My bath tub.
2. The smell of my laundry detergent.
3. Mexican food.
4. My front yard/lake.
5. Being able to unlock the door from the inside without a key.
6. My Granny's cooking.
7. My Granny's couch.
8. My bed.
9. My XM radio station on my TV satellite.
10. Text messaging my friends when I think about them.
11. Leading worship/singing with a piano.
12. Driving my car.
13. Hot water from the sink/being able to flush toilet paper down the toilet.
14. Gatherings/parties that start before 8 or 9 at night.
15. Playing games with church family/family/friends.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been having a wonderful awesome time. Yeah I been jammin to your XM Radio and it will be still there for you to enjoy once you arrive back home. Tell Michawn, Joel and the kids I said Hi. I miss you and I love you!

Your Brother

Gillian Day Hough said...

Yeah Mom told me you were staying in my room for two weeks! I hear you cleaned it for me too! It probably needed it. It hadnt been cleaned since I left for Brazil. Mom said you were going to wash the sheets after two weeks and I told her "Well I change mine every week so just tell him to change them....he knows how I am." I told her where some other sheets were but she said she was just going to get the blue ones down that went with the pillows you were using. I will tell them you said hey. I miss you and I love you too!

Your lil sis!